Hey #knottyghels! That's my twitter hashtag for my brand and women who love and proudly wear their natural hair! I've been trying to get lots of twitter involvement from women with natural hair but now I'm rambling. Anyway, I recently bought Adele's 25. That's right, I BOUGHT it. This album is absolutely beautiful and Adele has outdone herself. I have followed Adele from the beginning and the sound in this album and it's energy is just different. I've also heard people say she sounds happier, which I slightly agree with. There is a story told in each song and by the end of the album she ends it with a happy song that suggests she has finally found unconditional love in Sweetest Devotion. Picking my favorites was hard because all of the songs are great and of course, Lord knows Hello has been overplayed enough for a lifetime. Here are my 3 favorite songs from the album that I can listen to on constant repeat while pretending my life is a romantic sitcom.
1. Love in the Dark
In this beautiful and sultry song, Adele is basically telling her lover that she cannot keep pretending to love him any longer. Clearly their love has fizzled out and he will just not let her go. I absolutely love how she used metaphors throughout this album just...YESSS. I've definitely been in this situation which made this song incredibly relatable to me. Why stay in a relationship where there's only love on one side? My favorite line is: I want to live and not just survive. Does she know how to write about heartache or what??
2. Million Years Ago
Now, this song rightchereee! This song gives me the feels. This song is full of nostalgia and my interpretation is that she's writing about the simpler times in life when she had her loved ones around. She shows extreme regret and basically says she feels she has made some fucked up decisions, and doesn't feel like she's really living her best life--that's the ongoing theme of the album. I like how vulnerable she was in this song--I was like wow, even Adele has these insecurities?? Maybe money just cannot buy happiness. Shit, I know I'd be pretty happy if I had 25k in my pockets though. Moving on...
3. Water Under the Bridge
In this song, I think Adele wants her lover to stop playing games with her head and admit to feeling something real for her. Another song with metaphors. This dude sounds like a fuckboy, no lie. He's basically leading her on and downplaying their relationship and she's telling him to stop holding her like they're in love and yet never admitting to his feelings for her. Now that's some bullshit. It's time to say bye bye to these fuckboys. Why'd he have to go hurt her like that?!? #STOPFUCKBOYS2016
Hehe. That's all for now folks! What Songs or albums have you purchased that you constantly listen to? Have you listened to 25 yet? let me know in the comments below. x